How to add an ChaldeanWiki search box to your site
Paste the code below this paragraph into the code of your website or blog, and a searchbox will allow your visitors to search for anything related to Chaldeans. Search results come up in a new window, so you don't lose any visitors.
<form method='GET' target='chaldeanwiki' action=''>
<a href=>
<img src="" align=left alt="" border=0 width=217 height=60 >
<font size=+1 face="Arial, Geneva">Search <a href='' target='chaldeanwiki'>
<font face="Arial, Geneva">ChaldeanWiki</font></a></font></a><br><B>
<input name='search' size=12 >
<input type='submit' value='Go!' style='font-size: 8pt'>
Live examples
You can see an example of a similar search box in action on:
- to be completed.