
Chaldean Timeline

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| 300 745 || Romans construct the 8th Century BC[[Antonine WallChaldean people]]and Chaldean cities are documented in 40 letters discovered with ancient Assyrian king Tiglath-pileser III during his military Campaigns and occupation of Chaldea and Chaldean cities. By: Profesor Henry W. F. Saggs, PHDDr. Saggs, a respected archoelogist and helped discover Nimrud city. He joined Max Mallowan's excavation at Nimrud under the aegis of the British School of Archaeology in Iraq. Dr. Saggs was awarded his PhD degree in 1953 for his dissertation titled A study of city administration in Assyria and Babylonia in the period 705 to 539 B.C. He joined SOAS as a lecturer in Akkadian. JOURNAL ARTICLE: Chaldeans in the Nimrud LettersWiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des MorgenlandesVol. 86, (1996), pp. 379-390 Published by: University of Vienna, Department of Oriental Studies 
| 100 || Romans withdraw south to [[Trimontium (Newstead)|Trimontium]] and [[Hadrian's Wall]].