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<h3>ܦܐܬܐ ܪܝܫܝܬܐ</h3>
This section has a free Chaldean Lessons online course, which will enable English speakers to learn Chaldean at their own pace.
[[File:Chaldean Alphabet.gif|thumb|Chaldean Language Alphabet]]
The specific version of Chaldean language which you will be learning here is Sourath. Chaldean Sourath also called [[Eastern Aramiac]] is spoken in Mesopotamia Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran and Lebanon. If you need to learn [[Western Aramiac Dialect]], this course would give you a base of Chaldean knowledge, but it will more likely just confuse you.
* [[Chaldean Language Lessons Introduction | Introduction]]
[[File:Chaldean Language Course.pdf|thumb|Chaldean Language Course]]
* [[Chaldean Language Lessons Chapter 1 | Chapter 1]] - Phonetics
* [[Chaldean Language Lessons Chapter 2 | Chapter 2]] - Morphology
* [[Chaldean Language Lessons Chapter 9b | Chapter 9b]] - Syntax
<h3>See also</h3>
[[File:Chaldean Language Course.pdf|thumb|Chaldean Language Course]]
References: [[Chaldean Alphabet|Chaldean Alphabet with Transliteration]] | [ Online Dictionary] | [|hy| Online Translator]
 <h3>See also</h3>* [[Western Aramiac Language Lessons]]